Gravity Dries Lumber Too
This episode I answer some emails and discuss case hardening, compressed cedar, Teak blunting, the Emerald Ash Borer, drying lumber with gravity, and Hophornbeam wood.
Industry News
We bought a Woodmizer so I'm getting some first hand saw mill operation experience finally.
- Teak: does it actually dull your blades?
- Dan wonders about storing your boards vertically to dry them.
- Check out Rob's blog on weird wood drying issues
- Dan is worried about case hardening. Download the Wood Drying Manual from the Forest Products Laboratory
- Ben asks if the color painted on the ends of boards means anything
- Tommasso asks about compression wood, check out the video he mentions below.
- Chris has Hophornbeam trees and asks if they are good for anything.
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