Shearing Strength is a hint on how a wood will plane
This week I'm talking about a little touted technical property: shearing strength. This is another number to look at when trying to figure out how a wood will work. In this case it is a good indicator of how it will plane. Also BE NICE TO EACH OTHER!
Here is the FPL PDF I mentioned in the show that has the charts of all a whole bunch of North American domestic species and their strength properties:
Forest Product Laboratory Wood Handbook
Remember that its less about the actual number and more about the differences between the numbers of different species. Those differences can allow you to consider a species you have experience working against one you have no experience. Shearing strength can be tough to find in exotic woods but when you do again make sure to consider any change in the units before comparing to the numbers on the FPL list.
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Great editorializing! I enjoyed the your rant! Don’t feel bad about calling him out, he needed to hear it from somebody.
I have learned a lot from listening to your podcasts, thank you for posting.
Hey Shannon – what a frustrating situation and good for you for saying something and for walking away. Sorry you had to deal with that.