The Lacey Act requires "Due Care"
Today in our story time circle we talk with Garrett and his adventures with the great big Red Oak tree that fell outside a local historical home. How he tamed the blog and will be working with Oak lumber for many many years to come. Big thanks to Garrett Roberson of HMR Woodcraft for joining me on the show to show how urban lumber can be harnessed for even a guy without a saw mill. Red Oak logs are in every saw mill but this one is quite the specimen of old growth with a lot of history behind it. Major respect to Garrett for taking the initiative to contact the owners of the McPherson Mansion and give this tree a new life.
Follow the continuing journey of this massive, historical Oak tree on Garrett's Instagram @hmr_woodcraft and cheer him on as he builds this big commission.
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a deep simpson reference, *slow clap* very nice
well done sir. I’m afraid it missed with Garrett.