Repurposing Baltimore's City Trees
I've been sitting on this episode for a few months where I interview Shaun Preston the director of Camp Small. Camp Small is Baltimore's wood recycling center and urban sawmill. I was just about the release the episode when fire hit the yard and burned all their logs to ash. But their equipment was saved and today Camp Small is making ground improvements and has already begun sawing logs again. I hope you will enjoy this episode and join me in wishing Shaun and his team luck in getting everything back up and running again and to building Camp Small to be even better than it was before.
Baltimore leads the nation in its treatment of their urban canopy as a resource and Camp Small's ability to be an intake yard for EVERY city tree that comes down. Then they repurpose the entire tree from fire wood to mulch, to furniture, lumber, and even zoo animal playgrounds. Shaun and his team have built an amazing set up and I was luck enough to get some of his time. This interview occured just a bit before the devastating fire that burned the entire log yard in early December of 2024 but nothing has changed with their mission and the work they will continue to do for the urban canopy of the City of Baltimore.
Find out more at their Website
I hope to get Shaun back in the coming months as they regain their footing after the fire and I wish them luck in restarting the great work they are doing.

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